What if you could turn your

struggling students into thriving learners WITHOUT feeling

exhausted and overwhelmed?

Maybe you..

...want to support your struggling students to learn without using hours and hours planning lessons?

...struggle to get your point across and engage your students – and want to become better in communicating with your students?

...need to save time while manage to meet your students’ individual needs?

...want to include more visual and creative learning methods, but don’t really know where to start?

Did you know:

Drawing is the most effective way to make learning more engaging and impactful

The answer:

Include educational drawings in your lessons

For ALL teachers

If you teach a specific subject or you are a special education teacher your students will benefit either way. Educational drawings can also be a huge advantage for online teachers!

For ALL subjects

Explaining the curriculum in a visual way is equally valuable teaching language, arts, science, mathematics, geography, history, economy, social studies and more.

For ALL levels

Regardless of the level you teach in – children, youths or adults they all benefit from educational drawings. They just struggle with different things.

With educational drawings you can:

Support all your students to learn and remember in a visual way

Engage your students by being creative!


Make sure your students get successful learning habits

Explain difficult topics to your students with ease

Lift your students from failing to thriving learners - those who struggle to read, write, to concentrate or struggle with language often love to learn in a visual way

Learn your students to draw, so they can "draw it out" and think and explain visual too

Explain topics visually

It is important to present the curriculum in different ways. Then students learn and understand topics much more.

Presenting it in a visual way makes SUCH an impact. It is much easier to remember a picture or a drawing than a lot of text.

What if I told you I can show you exactly how to make visual lessons so you can turn your struggling students into thriving learners WITHOUT feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.

Choose a Pricing Option

"I believe that the students will benefit greatly" 

"I work as a teacher in an introduction class for students who newly arrived our country. When you work in multilingual classes, you have to think a bit differently when communicating and teach different subjects. I think this course can initiate new thoughts and make teachers better at visualizing and structuring their lessons. 

I believe that the students will benefit greatly from a teacher showing how to capture their knowledge and make notes - not only with text, but also with drawings." 

Teacher Marianne @nyinorsken 

How can different level of education benefit from educational drawings?

Elementary school: You can help kids to continue to bring drawing into education, helping them to concentrate and being allowed to learn in a creative way

Middle school: You can help struggling students to learn in a different way. Making sure your students get successful learning habits and the tools they need to learn.

High school: Visual lessons will help students to understand difficult topics and abstract themes. Visual learning strategies will help them to prepare and remember the curriculum before tests

University: You can present the curriculum in a visual way and explain difficult and abstract topics in a way the students actually understand topics in a deeper level

Hey, I'm Maria and the creator of The Visual Teaching Course

In the last years I went from struggling to communicate clearly and getting my point across, watching others struggling too and without any drawing skills to..


Starting to learn how to make simple and quick drawings, communicating clearly and making people understand and remember difficult topics. Now, I have started to teach people how to communicate visually too.

I have a master in design and use mye knowledge as a designer to unleash the creative queen inside us.

Now, I've turned my entire step-by-step framework into the FULL do-it-yourself course: The Visual Teaching Course

And the best of all: It will ONLY take you around 1 hour to watch through all the videos. I know you have too much to do already. That's why the course consist of only the things you need. No fluff.


Visual Teaching Course includes:

– How it is to be a visual teacher

– How your students will benefit from visual teaching

– How you can include visuals in your lessons

– Introduction to drawing

– The drawing mindset

– Fundamentals of drawing and the basic skills you need

– How to make your own drawings 

– How to make a collection of drawings

– How to structure your drawings

– How to make scenes and situations that’s easy to remember

– The Visual Teaching Framework and step-by-step guide

– How to make your students make their own visuals

The Visual Teaching Course is a self-paced online course in English, giving you all the tools and strategies you need to take you from struggling to get your point across and support your students’ individual needs to…


– Having fun at work!
– Engage your struggling students 
– Getting your point across in a visual way
– Being a visual teacher where drawing feels as natural as speaking
– Empower your students with engaging learning strategies
– Implement the Visual Teaching Framework 
– Turn your failing students into thriving learners
– Learn to draw and be creative in your classroom

Drawing is a natural way to communicate. Remember, cave paintings and other visual ways of communicating dates back more than 40 000 years!

Communicating visually is a fundamental way of expressing ourselves. Still it is something very few of us actually do...

It is time to awaken all the visual learners out there!

Upon enrollment you will have immediate access to all course content forever.

The Visual Teaching Curriculum

By the end of this self-paced course, you will:

  • Know how to use the Visual Teaching Framework to make quick and easy drawings ANYTIME you need


  • Make ENGAGING lessons your students love


  • Know HOW to draw and not be afraid of drawing!


  • Gained a complete understanding of how to make any part of your curriculum into visual lessons

  • Empower students who struggle to read, write, or concentrate with a different learning method suitable for their needs

Choose A Pricing Option

"Maria made it look really easy to draw!"

"I'm a coding teacher for kids but drawing was never my thing! I never felt I had the talent! But Maria made it look really easy to draw and she even made me release some believes about my drawings! If you practice the tips she tell you, you definitely will help your students!

I felt that I'm a visual learner and seeing Maria's drawings definitely made me engage with the course! I'll implement these techniques with my students and I'm sure they'll benefit from it!"

Liliana @virtualkoders


Who is visual teaching for?

Everyone who have a topic they are teaching and want to support your students will benefit from drawing skills. Being able to present topics visually will help both you and your students.

What actually is educational drawings?

Educational drawings are drawings presenting a topic in a pedagogical and visual way. This makes it easier to understand a topic and see the connections around it. Educational drawings makes it easier to remember a topic because the drawing simplifies it and capture the essence visually.


I have no drawing skills, is this course suitable for me? 

YES! You can have zero drawing skills or you can draw like an artist. Still, the content in this course and the framework is equally valuable for you. You will be able to make quick and simple educational drawings after this course.

I am already super busy, how much time will I need to work on this?

It will only take you around 1 hour to go through the entire course. No fluff, only the things you need to know. I have years of knowledge and experience to present the content in an efficient, fun and easy way.

Therefore you pay me to use my years of experience and skills to present it in the best possible way. I will make sure you are getting the results as fast as possible. In addition to the the course videos you need some time to practice drawing, a couple of minutes here and there.


What if I have questions as I go through the course?

This is a self-paced online course made specific for you to go through on your own. Whenever you want to. If anything is unclear you can send me an email anytime, and I will help you.


I am an online teacher – is this course suitable for me?

YES. If you are an online teacher you can really benefit from learning to draw and explain visually to your students.

When does the course start and finish?

The course is completely self-paced, so completing the course can be done totally on your own schedule! When you enroll the course you will get immediate access to all the videos in the course. You can watch the videos whenever you want and as many times you want. You will have access

How long do I have access to the course?

You will have lifetime access to this course. You only need to login to Teachable - the platform hosting the course.

Learn more here:


